
Hello. I am David. Father of two boys and owner of two dogs. This is my metal detecting story.

Sometime in the early 1990’s,  I began metal detecting with a Bounty Hunter Quick Draw metal detector. After hunting with it a couple of months, I found a Roosevelt silver dime, a tiny silver cross pendant, and a very old child’s ring made of nickel. I found those things really by chance because I knew next to nothing about metal detecting. I did no research and I never really attempted to learn my machine. Eventually, after having more failed hunts than successful ones, I lost interest and gave the Bounty Hunter to my brother.

Fast forward to 2011; my birthday.  I was driving back to work after lunch and I drove past the metal detector dealership where I bought that old Bounty Hunter and I thought, “hey! I know what I want for my birthday!”. I walked in, and found out that the old guy who sold me that BH had passed away but his wife was still selling metal detectors. After we visited a few minutes about the good old days, I asked her to recommend a metal detector and she showed me the Garret Ace 250. I bought that yellow treasure-finding wonder on the spot and have not looked back since.

This time it has been very different. This time I dove into the hobby head first. I researched. I read forums. I made metal detecting friends. My wife became a metal detecting widow and my children often asked “Where is daddy?”.  After three months of doing this, I began to settle down a bit and I was back giving my family their due attention but I was hooked on this hobby for life.

The Ace 250 proved to be a monster of a machine. With it, I found gold rings, gold necklaces, silver rings, silver coins, old copper coins, and many interesting pieces of metal from our city’s past.
Two months after I bought the 250, I was able to sell some of my finds and upgrade to the Garrett AT Pro. The more I used the Pro and the more I learned its language, the more I liked it.

Eventually however, I decided to upgrade and have used flagship detectors such as the White’s V3i and the XP Deus.

I am still growing in this hobby and I hope to have many posts showing the cool things I have found.

Thank you for looking!

4 Responses to “About”

  1. treasurebone September 15, 2011 at 12:56 am #

    Nice looking blog! Thanks for linking to me. I added a link to your blog on my blog.


    • yaquigrande September 15, 2011 at 1:56 pm #

      Thank you Treasurebone! This may be the one blog I actually keep up with.


  2. topocastor February 7, 2014 at 3:46 am #

    Nice Blog¡¡¡ Congratulations¡¡

  3. John M March 9, 2014 at 7:05 am #

    Hi David,

    Have you got an email where I can contact you?


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